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Best Logo Colors & Shapes: 11 Feng Shui Tips

Did you know that the Chinese art of feng shui has been around for thousands of years? Or, that this ancient Chinese philosophy can help you harness the energy of your natural environment using basic principles of design?

Feng shui can even assist you in picking the most auspicious shapes for logos and other design features. If you’re working on your company’s logo and aren’t sure which design is right for your business, we’ve got you covered.

Feng Shui Tips to Create a Logo

1. Learn the Basics of Feng Shui

In feng shui, there are four basic elements that guide design symbols. These are founded on Taoist beliefs and involve five concepts central to the theory of yin and yang. So, what the heck are yin and yang?

Yin and yang describe opposite yet complementary forces according to Chinese philosophy. These forces, as dualities, are interconnected and interdependent. Although duality is common to many belief systems, in feng shui, they are equal parts of a oneness known as the Tao.

According to the theory of yin and yang, everything on the planet has certain yin and yang aspects. Feng shui considers how these elements combine in order to manifest certain energies.

These elements include color, shape, images, direction, and even font. Let’s break these categories down further.

2. Elements for Logos

Just like people, different types of businesses are associated with different feng shui elements. In feng shui, there are five elements:

  • earth
  • water
  • metal
  • fire
  • wood

Each of these elements encompasses certain characteristics unique to various business types. How do you figure out which of these elements best represents your business and the services that it provides? Let’s break the elements down by their distinct characteristics.

Wood is associated with education, paper, and clothing. So, if you run a daycare, for example, then wood would be the element for your business.

Fire is ideal for a business that is creative, forward-thinking, or fast-paced. This symbol involves action and athleticism or has anything to do with food.

Metal is the element for industries associated with money and technology. So, if you’re creating a logo for a bank or a startup tech company, then you’ll want to incorporate a logo that harmonizes with metal.

Water is often associated with cleanliness, relaxation, and purity, which makes it a perfect element for the beauty industry.

Earth is the element of businesses in the construction and agricultural industries. Figure out which one of these elements is related to your business, and then get ready to create an amazing logo!

3. Colors for Logos

In feng shui, color holds great power. Even more than words or shapes, color expresses potent nonverbal messages.

Colors also relate to certain elements, and so you should choose your logo colors with care. You want your business’s feng shui element to coincide with your logo color choice.

What does this mean in a real-world situation? For example, red stimulates and awakens activity while blue calms and soothes. Green, like blue, also has a strong calming effect.

On one hand, then, when it comes to a company that promotes action, red proves the more appropriate color choice than blue. On the other hand, if you own a large spa and massage business, then focus on the restorative, soothing elements of your business by opting for blue and green in your logo.

4. Shapes for Logos

Shapes are related to specific elements found in feng shui. What’s the easiest way to discern the relationship between elements and shapes? Think about what these shapes represent in nature.

For example, the triangle symbol in feng shui symbolizes fire, and the rectangle indicates wood. Here’s a breakdown of all five elements by shape:Diagram of the 5 Elements Earth, Wind, Water, Wood, Metal around a 5 point Star

  • fire: triangle
  • wood: rectangle
  • water: wavy
  • metal: round
  • earth: square

When choosing shapes for logos, keep in mind these basic feng shui principles. They’ll guide you to choose the most harmonious shapes for your business’s image and success.

5. Images for Logos

Images, like shapes, should be chosen to relate to the intent of your business, too. These tend to be among the easiest items to select since images encapsulate what your business does visually.

For example, it makes sense to symbolize your veterinarian practice with an image of a dog. The same goes for your doggy daycare. No need for too much guesswork here.

6. Symbols for Logos

Symbols are a bit less clear-cut than images. But they can still help a business by connecting with its appropriate feng shui energy. Sometimes this even occurs with a seemingly unrelated symbol.

For example, we’ve all seen the Apple logo about a million times. But does it say much about what Macintosh does? Nope.

That said, it still works. Why? The symbol of the apple contains powerful, uplifting feng shui energy. What’s more, it’s a memorable image.

The same can be said about other logos that appear to have little to do with their company’s services and products. The Nike swoosh stands as another excellent example of what an unrelated, yet auspicious image, can do for a company. It’s memorable and attracts the right type of feng shui energy as attested by the company’s stellar success.

7. Directions for Logos

Just as each element’s energy is represented by colors, shapes, and images, they are also associated with specific directions. The feng shui bagua or pakua is one of the main tools that practitioners use to analyze the energy in a space and choose the optimal direction for design.

So, how do you use directions to optimize the logo for your business? First, use the feng shui bagua to learn how to properly layout your logo design. Then, work with a graphic artist to create a logo that harmonizes all areas of your business’s feng shui bagua.

8. Fonts for Logos

How important could font really be? Consider this…

When White Mountain Footwear changed the font of their logo, their profits increased by 20 percent! As you can see, underestimating the typography associated with your brand could be costing you big money.

If you choose to include words in your logo, you’ll want to consider the font with care. As with the characteristics above, make sure that the font flows naturally from your feng shui element. It should work with your company’s objectives, mission, and values.

A font choice should differentiate your logo and company. What’s more, it should encompass the energy flowing through the rest of your design. Finally, it should resonate with your brand.

As a business owner in the digital age, you’ve never had more options when it comes to fonts. So, get online and do a little research. There are thousands of fonts to choose from, just make sure the one you go with fits your brand to a tee.

9. Start Small for Logos

When designing your logo, be sure to start small and then scale up. That means starting at the Favicon level. What’s a Favicon?

A Favicon is that tiny thumbnail image used at the start of a website’s URL. It measures 16 pixels x 16 pixels. But what does it have to do with logo design?

When you start at the Favicon level and find a design that makes sense, you’ll develop a workable image that succeeds at a variety of scales. This method lends you a great logo AND a Favicon that you can place at the beginning of your company’s URL.

Having a memorable, cohesive brand (and Favicon) will give your company the added marketing edge. It’ll also make your company easier to find online.

10. Avoid Negative Associations

When creating a logo, always steer clear of negative associations and images. They attract the wrong kind of energy–energy your company doesn’t need. Also, avoid the temptation to be clever or cheeky.

Instead, look toward the positive so that you choose a logo that harmonizes with the success you’d like your company to enjoy. Be forward thinking. Finally, create a visual representation of your company that exudes success and abundance.

11. Hire an Expert

If you’ve finished reading the feng shui principles above and are still scratching your head about where to start, don’t give up. Consider hiring a professional feng shui practitioner to help you create the best logo for your company.

A certified feng shui professional will incorporate the principles above to create the optimal logo for your business. That said, many people claim to be experts in feng shui without the corresponding education and background. So, be discerning about who you hire.

Hire a Designer

Feng Shui for Logos

Many factors go into choosing a business logo. Why not use concepts from the ancient practice of feng shui to help you design the best one for your company?

Start by understanding the basics of this ancient philosophical system. Then, determine which of the five elements best aligns with your company.

Once you’ve found the element that represents your company, choose design features harmonious with its energy.

Knowing your company’s element can help you choose the best color(s) for your logo, image or symbol, shapes for logos, and even the optimal font. It will take the guesswork out of designing a compelling, memorable logo–one indicative of your brand and your company’s vision and mission.

Interested in learning more about business logo design? Ready to make some decisions and get your brand out there? Apply your new knowledge and try our online logo maker.

Create a Logo

Amber Ooley
Amber Ooley
Articles: 440
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