Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
A little over seven years ago, we wondered what would happen if we built a tool that would help entrepreneurs, students, and hundreds of other would-be designers create beautiful logos for their businesses and projects?
There was only one way to find out.
So we introduced—the fastest, easiest, and free-est way to design your own web logo, icon, or other design element online.
And then we kind of left the site alone and watched what happened.
Today Logomaker is the world’s most popular do-it-yourself logo design tool—anywhere!
But in the past seven years, things got just a little bit rusty. So we’ve been thinking it might be time to make a few improvements, starting with the design of the site.
The new site will help you find information more easily and create the artwork you need more quickly.
Here are a just a few of the changes we’ve made:
#1 We’ve added a blog (and invite you to share your thoughts here). We hope to use this space to point to interesting design news, showcase a few of our customers, and share a little bit more about what we do.
#2 We’ve expanded our Frequently Asked Questions, adding tons of additional information about the design and print process, the files you receive, and expanded answers to the questions we hear most. Check it out the Logomaker FAQ.
#3 We’ve added links to several new services from our partners, like low-cost, but high-quality business card and web design. You don’t even need to create a logo to use these services (though it’s best if you do). Learn more on our “Put Your Logo to Work” page.
With all the changes, we’ve tried to make it easier to find the information you’re looking for, from the logo design tool to our customer service team. And we have a few big changes still to come—stay tuned.
So have a look around, and let us know what you think.
We look forward to helping you create your next logo.