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Toronto Blue Jays & AOL Opt for New Logo Design

Another week filled with news from the logo design world has flown by. Want to catch up on the latest? Here’s all the logo design news that caught our eye this week:

Seems as if we’ve posted quite a few items about professional baseball logos in the past few weeks and this week is no different. The Vancouver Sun published a timeline of the Toronto Blue Jays’ logos. Logo designers and baseball fans, rejoice!

More sports logo news: The Sun Sentinel noticed a similarity between the new (ugly) Marlins logo and the Maroon 5 single cover art. What do you think?

Did you know London has a professional baseball team? Neither did we until we read about their logo controversy. We like the logo, but is it really a good idea to have a mascot best known for rape and murder?

AOL drops the yellow running man in favor of a more boring text-only logo for their AIM service. Our opinion: it’s not much of an improvement.

Headphones manufacturer Skull Candy sues a toy manufacturer, Skelanimals, over a logo dispute. Different industries, different looks. Will they succeed?

A couple of items from the world of whiskey logos. If we had one more we’d have a trend. First, the Old Pulteney whiskey logo gets a make-over. And The Whiskey Bond (a Glasgow creative space) got a new look this week as well.

More from the world of liquors, as Bailey’s Irish Cream sues Eli’s over their cheesecake logo. This one is closer than the Skull Candy suit, but still, we’re not buying.

What makes a good icon? Adweek gets the answer from Susan Kare, the designer who created the happy mac icon (not really logo design news, but interesting none the less).

And finally, the University of North Dakota is giving up its mascot the Fighting Sioux. In response, fans have been buying merchandise sporting the old logo faster than ever. The school estimates it will cost $750,000 to remove the old logo from uniforms, stationery, websites, and other university property.

Notice anything in the world of logo design that we missed this week? Let us know in the comments.

Amber Ooley
Amber Ooley
Articles: 440
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