Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
When we updated the Logomaker site a few weeks ago, we promised a few more changes were in store. And this week, we’ve unveiled the first of those promised changes.
There are now 39 new fonts in the Logomaker tool including: Legende, Titanium, Cartoon, Brush Script, Smudger, Affluent, Friar, and Arial.
And we’ve kept 11 of your font favorites including: Impact, Papyrus, Serpentine Bold, Copperplate Light, and Americana.
You can check out all 47 of our fonts by opening the Logomaker tool (just click here).
And stay tuned, we’re hoping to add even more fonts to Logomaker later this year.
Note: If you’ve purchased and downloaded a logo from Logomaker before, your logo should appear in your account with the font you used to design your logo, even if that font is no longer available in the tool. However, for saved but un-purchased and future logos, you may need to update your file with one of the new fonts in the Logomaker tool.
UPDATED (6/3/2011): We received some feedback that some saved but un-purchased logo files have been automatically updated with the new fonts. The post above has been corrected to reflect these changes. If you have saved a logo, but not purchased it, you should check the new font or update your choice of fonts before purchasing. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support group. Thanks Sam for your help in identifying this issue.